Personal Growth and The Quest for Meaning.

Abraham Maslow was a psychologist who is best known for creating Maslow’s hierarch of needs. One of the concepts behind his hierarchy is that, as humans, once we fulfill our basic needs of physiological survival, safety, and love, we are motivated to fulfill our optimal potential, transcend our egos, and find deeper meaning in life. This process of what Maslow called “self-actualization,” I describe as the journey to personal growth and search for meaning.

I have spent much of my life on this journey, and I welcome clients to share their journeys with me. I have studied several religions and spiritual paths and have found my own sources of meaning. My perspective on the Quest for Meaning is that each individual has their own personal quest with their own answers to find. My job is to challenge you on your path and help you open doors you may not see.

I find the Quest for Meaning particularly relevant today because it dovetails with the existential quest for human survival. With climate change, COVID, destabilizing economies, and shifts in world power, I find many of my clients questioning their purpose and their path. I believe that, culturally, our society is potentially cycling from a focus on consumption to more focus on experience and meaning. If this resonates with you, then perhaps I can support you on your growth journey.


Other issues I work with include:
